IPO Information
Day’s Change
Day’s Range
52W Range
Last Updated At
Hotline: (852) 2277 6733

Stock Code Company Offer Price Listing
First Round
Margin Closing Day
Public Subscription
Closing Date
**Interest Rate Cal. Phillip’s
Sponsor IPO Video Remarks  
2510 T.S. Lines Limited 3.5-4.5 2024
Calculator 3M
2563 Beijing Biostar Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. 16-22 2024
0% Calculator 22M Webinar
2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd. 4.5-7 2024
0% Calculator 18M Webinar
7777 testing 1.2 2024
Calculator testing

** IPO margin financing is available on a first-come first-served basis**
2nd round subscription margin:
From 3p.m. on 1st round subscription closing day  to 9:30 a.m. on public subscription closing day
(Please call for enquiry if the subscription margin amount is more than HK$500,000)

PhillipMart Calendar
Stock Code Company PhillipMart Date Time
2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd. October 29, 2024 4:15 PM to 6:30 PM
2563 Beijing Biostar Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. October 30, 2024
2510 T.S. Lines Limited October 31, 2024
PhillipMart - First electronic platform for pre-IPO shares trading

About PhillipMart

PhillipMart is the first trading platform licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to provide trading of pre-IPO shares prior to their official listing on the SEHK. PhillipMart has updated its trading hours from 4:15pm to 6:30pm one business day prior to the official listing date of the new shares, effective from Monday, 30 March 2009.

Arrangement of half trading day

Half trading day: The trading hour is from 2:15p.m to 4:30p.m

Suspension, breakdown, or disruption of the PhillipMart system

Announcements will be shown on our company website in the case of suspensions, breakdown, or disruption of the system. Our company has full discretion to cancel all placed or executed orders.
If client wants to clarify their order’s status or is experiencing difficulties with PhillipMart, they should immediately contact their account executive or our customer services at (852) 2277 6555.

Postponement, cancellation or alteration to the listing arrangement of new securities

Cancellation: All orders placed by clients will only be cancelled and void if a particular security fails to list on the HKEX.
Postponement: Executed orders will remain valid. Outstanding orders will be cancelled.
Alteration: Alteration to terms and conditions of IPO will not affect PhillipMart unless it leads to postponement or cancellation of listing, in which case, please refer to the above.

In the case of any cancellation, postponement or alteration, an announcement will be published on our company website.

Adverse weather: tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above or black rainstorm signal

Aligned with HKEX’s arrangement, in the case of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Number 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Signal, PhillipMart will be open during the severe weather conditions from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30p.m.
Please refer to our company website for more information

Clients who trade through PhillipMart should take note that our contingency arrangement may be revised from time to time without prior notice. Please visit our company website for any revisions made.

Hotline: (852) 2277 6733

Inquiry Hotline (852) 22776733



*All above Information is subject to change according to HKEX Latest Circular.

When a listed company proposes a Rights Issue, clients who hold or purchase shares in the listed company before the ex-dividend date can take up the Rights Issue. If clients want to subscribe extra shares beyond their rights entitlement, they may apply for an "extra rights share", i.e. to apply for rights that other shareholders have waived.

Rights Exercise, Excess Rights and Related Fees and Charges

Example of SJM Holdings (00880.HK) Rights Issue
SJM Holding Limited issue rights shares for every 4 existing shares held by shareholders on the record date, subscription price at HKD 2.08.

A client bought 1,000 shares of SJM Holdings before record date. He got 250 rights share and applied for 100,000 extra rights shares.

The total cost is HKD2.08 X (250 shares + 100,000 Excess Rights) + Scrip Fee HKD1.2/per Lot + Handling Charges HKD30 = HKD208,551.20

To apply margin financing in excess rights , the charges includes 90% margin financing interest: 3% for 9 days (Loan day and interest rate are subject to change. For more details, please contact your Account Executive) and Commission charge: 1%, it calculated based on the amount of shares allocated successfully.
Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited offers Rights Margin Financing Service to our clients at low interest rate. For any enquiries, please contact Rights Issue hotline at (852) 2277 6733..

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PhillipMart Calendar
Stock Code Company PhillipMart Date Time
2465 Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd. October 29, 2024 4:15 PM to 6:30 PM
2563 Beijing Biostar Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. October 30, 2024
2510 T.S. Lines Limited October 31, 2024
PhillipMart - First electronic platform for pre-IPO shares trading

About PhillipMart

PhillipMart is the first trading platform licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to provide trading of pre-IPO shares prior to their official listing on the SEHK. PhillipMart has updated its trading hours from 4:15pm to 6:30pm one business day prior to the official listing date of the new shares, effective from Monday, 30 March 2009.

Arrangement of half trading day

Half trading day: The trading hour is from 2:15p.m to 4:30p.m

Suspension, breakdown, or disruption of the PhillipMart system

Announcements will be shown on our company website in the case of suspensions, breakdown, or disruption of the system. Our company has full discretion to cancel all placed or executed orders.
If client wants to clarify their order’s status or is experiencing difficulties with PhillipMart, they should immediately contact their account executive or our customer services at (852) 2277 6555.

Postponement, cancellation or alteration to the listing arrangement of new securities

Cancellation: All orders placed by clients will only be cancelled and void if a particular security fails to list on the HKEX.
Postponement: Executed orders will remain valid. Outstanding orders will be cancelled.
Alteration: Alteration to terms and conditions of IPO will not affect PhillipMart unless it leads to postponement or cancellation of listing, in which case, please refer to the above.

In the case of any cancellation, postponement or alteration, an announcement will be published on our company website.

Adverse weather: tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above or black rainstorm signal

Aligned with HKEX’s arrangement, in the case of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Number 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Signal, PhillipMart will be open during the severe weather conditions from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30p.m.
Please refer to our company website for more information

Clients who trade through PhillipMart should take note that our contingency arrangement may be revised from time to time without prior notice. Please visit our company website for any revisions made.

Hotline: (852) 2277 6733

Some promotion materials are in Chinese only, please contact (852) 2277 6733 for any enquiry.

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